Spiteful power switch

Periodically I wonder about people… Namely, I wonder if my teenager is out of his damn mind, because he sure doesn’t know how to act appropriately.

It’s as if he has no concept of consequences, & just assumes he can go through the world acting like an ass if he so chooses.

Well, that’s not how it works out on planet Earth, & it definitely isn’t how things are going to be run in my own household, I can tell you that. This little snot decided that he was immune to helping out with house chores last week, for example. When I lectured him on house responsibilities he ran off & locked his door. I let him sulk & figured I would deal with his exhausting attitude the next afternoon. When I woke up the next afternoon, however, I found that the house was startlingly cold… Rather than worrying about my son, I had to deal with the temperature control. I went down the hallway & tested the temperature control device, expecting that the ambient temperature had been changed on accident. Instead, I found that the smart temperature control device couldn’t affix to the central heating device. The touch screen monitor indicated that there was a power outage on the end of the heater, & I was completely puzzled over the heating device. I figured that before calling a ventilation professional I would go inspect the power source myself & located the power box out in the garage. I was surprised to find the heating system switch was flipped off… How could only the heating system be affected by a power outage? That’s when I realized my kid was already out of the house & put two & two together. That little shit, obviously he was still so hot headed in the afternoon that he attempted to freeze me out.

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