I don’t guess people realize just how much money nannies make.

The first time I heard the amount of money nannies make in a week, especially in the city, was eye-opening! I had to immediately get into that field! My neighbor makes about 1,500 dollars a week, it’s crazy! When he told me that, I went right to a job board finding nanny positions.

I’ve been nannying for a family for about a week now as well as it’s not too bad.

It’s a lot of toil as well as responsibility, however for example, the household that I was nannying at their a/c system just stopped toiling. I went to the temperature control as well as switched the device on as well as then off as well as then back on again. I still could not hear the a/c system turn back on. This issue was more than just switching the device on as well as off. I took matters into my own hands as well as called a local heating as well as cooling system. My boss was going to be out of neighborhood with no access to PCs for another three days. There was no way that the adolescents or myself would remotely be comfortable in this heat. Thankfully the heating as well as cooling supplier came that day as well as was able to repair it within thirty minutes. The Heating and Air Conditioning supplier took the temperature control off the wall, made a few swings as well as switched out the control unit. I asked the heating as well as cooling supplier if I could have the receipt so I could show my bus what the expense was for. I was able to get a receipt as well as after that my friend and I were back to having a/c in the house.

cooling corporation

Starting school as well as experiencing no A/C

A lot of people would be surprised that a lot of schools try to save money or do not have enough money in their budget to expense certain things.

One of those things I realized when I was doing tours of schools that I was interested in was a lot of them do not have A/C systems in the dorms.

I even saw that some of the classrooms did not have any HVAC ducts or air vents that would allow A/C system to go through. I was really shocked by this because when the weather is moderate how can students be productive? I know that there were at least two classrooms in my school that did not have any form of A/C except for portable floor A/C systems. And those classrooms that had a lack in commercial A/C, made it really hard to focus as well as be productive in those classes. That is why I am being entirely picky with the school that I choose because I want to go to a school where I’m going to get good grades because i’m focused as well as productive in class; Getting good grades doesn’t stem from just studying but it also comes from feeling comfortable because the temperature is set to a certain degree through a temperature control whether the temperature control is set to a boiler or an A/C system. I know that my particular requirements are going to be hard to find but even if I can find an HVAC system in my dorm I shall be glad because I do not want to have to go to a class that doesn’t have an HVAC system as well as then also go back to a dorm that doesn’t have an HVAC system either. Here’s to finding a school!

hvac professional

Just last monthI babysat for my friend.

I was a little sad since this is the first time that I’ve ever had to watch a young girl! I didn’t want anything to go wrong as well as I have been having some dire poor luck lately.

It all started with my automobile cutting down while I was on my way to work. The alternator in my automobile went as well as I had to spend a few hundred dollars to get a up-to-date part as well as get it fixed. Then my boiler was on the fritz. I’ve been maintenancing my boiler like how I should. I’ve consistently been told that it’s important to change your air filter every 6 months as well as keep an eye on it. I also get my HVAC ducts as well as air registers cleaned every eighteen months. I didn’t understand why my boiler just wasn’t studying the temperature control correctly. I woke up as well as my property felt so hot! I looked to the temperature control as well as it read 68 degrees! I didn’t set my temperature control to this temperature. The temperature control was set to 70 degrees! There was a a 12 degree difference in my house. I couldn’t know it! I knew something had to be up with my control unit. I don’t know much about heating, ventilation as well as A/C systems so I called a local HVAC professional. After she came to my property as well as looked at my HVAC unit, she diagnosed the problem with a faulty control unit… Despite having troubles all week with little things, I was relieved to know that one of the greatest concerns that I heavy rely on each week was hastily fixed by a heating as well as cooling professional.

cooling technician

Just last monthI babysat for my friend.

I was a little anxious since this is the first time that I’ve ever had to watch a young girl… I didn’t want anything to go wrong & I have been having some serious terrible fortune lately. It all started with my motorcar tearing down while I was on my way to work, however the alternator in my motorcar went & I had to spend a few hundred dollars to get a new part & get it fixed. Then my boiler was on the fritz. I’ve been maintenancing my boiler like how I should. I’ve consistently been told that it’s crucial to change your air filter every 6 months & keep an eye on it. I also get my HVAC ducts & air registers cleaned every eighteen months. I didn’t understand why my boiler just wasn’t studying the temperature control properly. I woke up & my dwelling felt so hot! I looked to the temperature control & it learn 68 degrees! I didn’t set my temperature control to this temperature. The temperature control was set to 80 degrees! There was a a 12 degree difference in my house. I couldn’t guess it! I knew something had to be up with my control unit. I don’t know much about heating, ventilation & a/cs so I called a local HVAC professional. After he came to my dwelling & looked at my HVAC unit, he ran tests on the problem with a faulty control unit! Despite having troubles all week with little things, I was relieved to know that one of the biggest complications that I heavy rely on each week was quickly fixed by a heating & cooling professional.


heating industry

Getting fired from changing the temperature control

Since I am the oldest of two other siblings in my family you could say that as the oldest I did some things to certainly test my parents.

As everyone knows when you are the oldest child, your parents can be more strict on you because they’ve never had any other child to compare other experiences to.

I certainly distraught my family with a lot of things that I have done. When I was in high university I used to jump off our town’s local bridge in the summertime. I would go to parties as well as underage drink, but luckily my parents didn’t have to bail me out of jail, however there came a point in time where they almost had to. Now that I am in my forties my daring attitude has certainly toned down. But I did a dumb thing last monththat I can definitely add to my list. So my boss has talked to me several times about my actions when it comes to changing the office’s temperature control. I cannot help not to touch the office temperature control because so many people in our office are also changing it. And those people never get caught in touching the temperature control. The other day one of my best buddies who works with me, dared me to change the temperature control in front of my boss. And with the daring attitude that I have, I did. My boss basically let me go because he saw me change the temperature control. According to him he warned me that if I ever pulled a stunt like changing the temperature control again he was going to terminate me. And that’s what he did, he let me go. Personally I want to go to human resources about this issue but I do not want to waste my breath over a stupid Heating and Air Conditioning temperature control.


duct cleaning