Nagging partner like mother

You know what is definitively un-sexy? Feeling like your significant other’s parent; Ugh.

Instead of feeling like an equal partner with a mutual understanding of how adult life works, I often feel like I run the show around here for both of us.

Rather than putting on lacy underwear to thrill him, I’m picking his piles of dirty boxers up off the powder room floor. Instead of having candlelit dinners, I’m scraping the burnt messes that he leaves behind off our cookware. Rather than reminding him of our fun couples activity later than evening, I’m chasing him out the door to hand him office keys and his money clip. It’s too much. Don’t even get me started on home chores, because he only has one, and he doesn’t do it. That single chore is to take care of the Heating and Air Conditioning system for our home. All he’s supposed to do is to change the air filter every two months and schedule two routine Heating and Air Conditioning inspections from a professional ventilation expert each year. I also asked that he would keep an eye on the daily energy expenditure, and assist me with programming the smart control equipment to optimize our energy usage. Now, instead of being less busy out because he’s lending a helping hand with the temperature control plan, I’m more frustrated than ever about nagging him to get it done. Every day I send him a email about the completely jammed air filter in the AC. Once a week I ask if the Heating and Air Conditioning dealership is coming to clean our air ducts. Once a month, I put the energy bill on his desk with my notes about our utility bills and control equipment program. I feel like an overbearing mother, although I can’t stop! I mean, basic heating and cooling repair absolutely doesn’t sound like rocket calculus to me.


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