Ductwork cleaning is coming up

Today is Friday plus it was just this past Monday that I was starting to recover from a really awful case of the flu for a week. I suppose my energy level is starting to creep up again plus I suppose by this weekend I will be back to 100% again… Yesterday I was still really fatigued however last evening I slept for like 11 hours or so plus I suppose that was what I needed to get my energy back to where it needs to be. My body was really wiped out from that flu plus my HEPA filter was working overtime as I ran the whole house air cleaner all afternoon long to try plus filter out the awful stuff in my flat! My flatmate may be moving out in two months as she has started dating someone plus I suppose she will move in with him soon. This could be perfect timing though because my HVAC rep acquaintance is talking about moving in with me in two more months once he finishes his time with the local supplier. I was thinking about moving back house to the States to be around my family although I feel like I need to stay here overseas plus keep moving in the direction of my dreams with this cool band I am in. I don’t want to move back house plus quit rock n roll only to labor for the local supplier full time trying to make ends meet. If I don’t labor a lot there I will blow through all of my savings really fast trying to get by.


Quality heating and cooling