Anyone else creeped out by hotels?

Until recently, I entirely loved staying in hotels.

I feel that they were deeply tied to family vacations and excitement from my early childhood afternoons, and that feeling carried over into adulthood. I used to be giddy at the thought of packing my stuff, checking in, and seeing someone else’s cable all evening. These afternoons, I am not gleeful at all about hotel living. You see, at a particular age, you start to realize just how freaking gross hotels entirely are. My buddy and I already know that the room will light up like a christmas tree if you shine a black light, however what all the people don’t know to watch out for is the in-suite Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system. I recently learn an article in Nature about the bacterial and viral cultures that were collected from big hotel chains. I tried not to gag as I learn that the worst of the contaminations were collected from the indoor temperature control systems. Apparently, compared to the door handles, carpet, cable remote, and toilet seat, the air filters and air vents of the tiny temperature control systems had the greatest prevalence of harmful microbial cultures! It seems that most hotels do not officially repair the component Heating, Ventilation plus A/C systems. Bacteria are caught up in the air handling system, and then evenly dispersed through the air as it is pushed through the front vent. Apparently, your entire room could be contaminated with billions of foreign airborne pollutants and little critters, every surface would be coated with invisible invaders, and air intake system only works to redistribute the contamination in an endless cycle; Looking up from the article, I eyeballed the suite heating and cooling system suspiciously before party all of my belongings and checking out a week early.


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