Air dehumidifier for humid months

In the past year I relocated from my home state to a very different region of the country. I have to say, I’ve been less traumatized by the move than I expected, although I’m not adapting as well as I could have. So far I haven’t made any new friends and I’m pretty scared to drive into the city alone because of all the maniac drivers out there. But I have found a few locations where I feel safe and comfortable, and I enjoy visiting those attractions as often as I can. So all in all, I’m doing okay with the big move. One of the things I haven’t grown accustomed to yet is the insane heat and humidity in these parts. While I was used to a brutal winter that lasted from October through April, around here it starts to heat up again in February! Within a few weeks it is genuinely hot and sticky outside, and everything feels miserable unless you’re basking in abundant air conditioning every waking moment. I love the days when it’s comfortable enough to open our windows and doors for natural ventilation and to air out the house, but I’ve realized that even on the cooler days around here, the humidity is still off the charts. The moisture from the air seems to seep into every soft surface of our home and leaves a lingering wet smell throughout the whole place. I think this year we would be wise to invest in a new dehumidifying unit to save ourselves and our air conditioner a little hassle when the heat and humidity start to settle in again.

hvac tech