AC system revolts, Indian summer

The cooling system undoubtedly did not love a sudden call to duty, & instead of powering back up to provide fresh, cool indoor air, the whole AC unit went down in a steaming heap

Everyone I know right now is sick, & the reason is clear. It’s not that there’s some horrible superbug going around, infecting the entire population. Instead, I’m pretty positive that the cause is completely environmental! You see, our outdoor air temperature has been all over the place for a few weeks now, & I’m certain it can’t be nice for anyone. One week it was 30 degrees & rainy each afternoon. The next week our cloudy skies spontaneously cleared up & the temperature rose back into the 40s for a while. Without warning, the temperature then skyrocketed back into the 70s without a single apology for the rollercoaster. As such, everybody switched back & forth between putting on heavy layers to compensate for the low air temperature & donning summery tank tops when the sun was shining. It’s been a wild ride & I doubt it’s nice for anyone’s immune system. I know it hasn’t been nice for my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system! During all of these weather conditions fluctuations our temperature control has seen a lot of interest. My associate and I were easily using the central heat on a yearly basis until the the outdoor temperature spiked again, and suddenly, we were shutting off the heating system & asking the AC unit to show up for work once more… the problem is, our AC unit obviously was ready for a long winter season hibernation. The cooling system undoubtedly did not love a sudden call to duty, & instead of powering back up to provide fresh, cool indoor air, the whole AC unit went down in a steaming heap. By the time we had a professional Heating, Ventilation, & A/C professional inspect & service the central cooling system our temperature had shifted again & we were back to using the heater.

Hybrid HVAC system