Do you know what a “scrapper” is? You may have a different word for them where you live, but around here a Scrapper is someone who drives around collecting scrap metal.
The garbage collectors won’t touch old appliances, bikes, or large bulky items, but if you leave them by the roadside for long enough, eventually a Scrapper will take them away for you.
Recently I was completing a job, and found myself with a lot of scrap metal to get rid of. I had to remove several hundred feet worth of old ductwork, which is made of wafer-thin sheet metal. There was so much scrap metal that I couldn’t haul it all to the dump, nor could I leave it by the roadside. There was too much of it, and the rusty, razor-thin edges of the broken air ducts were very dangerous and could easily cut someone. A scrapper finally came by, and I asked him to take as many of the air vents and broken ducts as he could carry. He only had a small pickup truck, which couldn’t fit enough of the air ducts to make a difference. That’s when something awesome happened – the scrapper pulled out his cell phone and started calling his scrapper buddies to help him with the ductwork. Instead of trying to keep all the scrap metal ductwork for himself, he “shared the wealth” and within an hour there were six other scrappers here loading up their vehicles with metal. I had no idea there were so many scrappers, nor did I know how valuable ductwork could be to them.