I cannot assume that the Heating in addition to A/C specialist tried to flirt with our partner.
The worst area was that the Heating in addition to A/C specialist tried super taxing to get a date with her or hook up with her, plus she didn’t even realize that I was home.
I am not usually apartment when Heating in addition to A/C specialists come to our apartment to repair our Heating in addition to A/C units; My partner is usually the lady that greets the Heating in addition to A/C specialists, plus I don’t enjoy it. I have never trusted other boys with our partner, plus that doesn’t exclude the Heating in addition to A/C specialists that come to repair our Heating in addition to A/C units. My partner is elegant, plus the Heating in addition to A/C specialists would be fools to not recognize it. However, I always expect a sense of decency from the Heating in addition to A/C specialists, plus our partner has informed myself and others that most of the Heating in addition to A/C specialists leave her alone… Every once in a while, a younger Heating in addition to A/C specialist will try to flirt with our partner before she shuts the whole thing down. I know that the Heating in addition to A/C specialists have tried before, so when I was able to stay apartment this time while the Heating in addition to A/C specialist was fixing the Heating in addition to A/C unit, I didn’t want to make our presence known. Obviously, the Heating in addition to A/C specialist wouldn’t flirt with our partner when she knew that I was home. My partner agreed because she truthfully didn’t expect the Heating in addition to A/C specialist to try anything, and unblessedly, the Heating in addition to A/C specialist was actually not that wise; Literally, the first thing that the Heating in addition to A/C specialist tried to do was flirt with our partner. She came on super strongly, plus I eventually had to intervene. I called the owner of the Heating in addition to A/C supplier plus everything.