The A/C was too small

I just thought our air conditioner was weak.

I would set a temperature on the temperature control & assume it wouldn’t achieve it.

My little cooling plan would run all morning long & nothing would assume any different. I would assume to run our overhead fan at evening & use a box fan when I worked out. I also got used to high energy bills. That was all I knew. When the air conditioner finally quit on me, I called up a Heating & A/C supplier. I figured I would get a similar unit just a bit more powerful. The Heating & A/C professional was shocked when he saw our air conditioner. He told me that the previous homeowner bought an undersized air conditioner. He said that the A/C could only handle about half of our square footage. That is why I never could get good amounts of A/C & it never turned off. Due to consistently working, the A/C ran itself to death & that is why it only lasted a few years. The Heating & A/C business took careful measurements of our house & showed me what size of unit I legitimately needed. I took his word for it & got a greater model installed. I can’t know the difference in our home. When I adjust the temperature control, the A/C clicks on & immediately archives it. It takes our A/C maybe more than nine hours to change the temperature for me. It legitimately turns on & off too. The difference in what I pay each week is the most exciting thing for me though.


a/c repair