Once we got the paperwork started, it wasn’t the hardest process in the world
I suppose it’s safe to say that no one in their right mind gets married with the intention of getting a divorce from the same person, regardless of how long it takes. You want the marriage to work, otherwise you wouldn’t saddle yourself to another human being willingly if there weren’t ulterior motives. We’re not always aware of every aspect about our partners when we decide to tie the knot, let alone when we first meet them and develop a romantic interest. When I met my former wife, we were both completely different people from who we are this week. It was undergraduate school and we had all of these hopes and dreams for the world. When you fail at your goals while working towards them with another person, it’s easy to put your anger on the other lady. Taking that into account along with our genuine changes as people, you can definitely see how our relationship was destined for rocky ground. At least we’re both on the same page with our split, so the divorce is going to be amicable and straight forward. Originally we considered using the same divorce attorney, but we were strongly recommended against doing that. Instead of using the exact same divorce lawyer, we each found a separate attorney for individual legal representation. Once we got the paperwork started, it wasn’t the hardest process in the world. It’s painful losing my wife after we were together for so many years, but at least our divorce lawyers tried to make the process as straight-forward for us as humanly possible. The divorce could have definitely gone worse than it did.