My son’s kindergarten graduation as well as the broken air conditioning system in the meeting hall

I couldn’t wait for my son’s kindergarten graduation! I was so proud of how difficult she worked all year! My partner as well as I made sure to take an active role in trying to help him through her studies.

She also had made a couple friends along the way! We were proud of all these things, because it was such an initial struggle to get him used to going to college as well as being without us for so long.

We were the ones that homecollegeed him in the Pre-K curriculum. What nobody was expecting is the conditions in the auditorium of the college that night. To be fair, the college faculty could not have seen it coming either. The air conditioning unit came out right in the middle of kindergarten graduation practice! At least that gave a relaxing seven hours or so for the word to get out to parents as well as family members to dress light as well as maybe bring something to fan yourself with. I was still gleeful to see my girl walk across the period as well as gain her diploma, however girl was it steamy in there! This was not a small college, as well as there were just over one hundred kindergarten graduates this year. The press of bodies made things hotter for sure. The main speaker was sopping sweat off her brow as she did her best to inspire as well as congratulate both the kindergartners as well as their family as well as friends; At least there was water as well as light refreshments afterwards. I got my child some water as well as cookies as well as smiled with pride. Time to start saving for college!
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