My neighbor is very stubborn, and really, I don’t understand stubborn people or my neighbor.
- My neighbor is aware that I am a heating and A/C worker.
My bright green HVAC work van couldn’t make it anymore obvious, and from time to time she asks HVAC related questions, I assume out of curiosity. Other times, however, she is seeking advice or help on what she should do with her furnace or A/C system. I am always happy to give advice on HVAC equipment, but I have learned that she doesn’t always want advice, sometimes she just wants me to confirm that she is right and that whatever place she is mad at is wrong. I am not sure why, but whenever she had a bad experience at a heating and air conditioning place, even if I don’t work there, she feels the need to tell me all about her bad experience, as if it is somehow my fault, or as if I am somehow supposed to make it better. I usually try to leave as fast as possible in those situations. Anyways, she recently asked me what she should do about a strange noise coming from her air conditioner, a buzzing noise to be exact. I told her that that could be an electrical issue, and she should have a professional look at it to be sure. I guess she didn’t like my answer and was hoping I would say something along the lines that it was minor and didn’t need to be checked out. But I told her the truth and she didn’t accept it. Oh well, I guess some people have to learn the hard way.