My mother had a coffee table when she got married, and she still had it when I was a little girl. The coffee table had a glass top and beneath the glass was a scene of angels and babies. I thought it was the most beautiful piece of furnace my mom and dad owned. I asked her if I could have the coffee table when I grew up? Over the years, the glass had broken, and mom had placed the coffee table in the attic. My parents passed away before I got married. I didn’t know if that old coffee table was still in the attic, but I wanted to go into the attic before my brother auctioned the house off. I knew there could be items up there that we may want before the auction. I took the weekend and my brother, my husband and I went upstairs. It was the first time either of us had ever been in the attic. The first thing I spied was the coffee table, which I had my husband put into the truck. My brother found a trunk full of dad’s tools, and some that belonged to our grandfather. There was a trunk full of articles that belonged to my great grandmother. I found a letter inside the trunk my mother had written. The coffee table belonged to my great grandmother’s grandmother. They had passed it down through the years, and she hoped I still loved it as much as I had when I was a child. Along with the coffee table, I also took the trunk that belonged to my great grandmother.