I’m heavily interested in the stock market outside of work

I ended up buying a luxury EV stock and it tanked bigtime yesterday because of a massive boardroom fight in the dealer.

One of the main stockholders is trying to kick the president of the dealer out and it is creating a lot of ripples in the price of the stock.

The stock was all the way at $8 a couple mornings ago and now it is sitting at $3.50 and our money just got cut in half. I’m simply going to ride it out because if I sell now it will legitimately jump up in a matter of mornings. My heating, ventilation, and A/C dealer has stock too however I don’t invest in it because I don’t want to let go of this dark horse. This EV dealer has a new car coming out this quarter and I am betting that the stock will pump as soon as it puts out its first vehicle. I assume I love to bet on the dark horses because the payoff is better. I’m somewhat optimistic to have our task as an actual heating, ventilation, and A/C tech because I don’t have to touch our investments. I love to work at the dealer as the money is good and the people I work with are legitimately cool people. We sometimes hang out after work at the local business next door and just talk and laugh. One of the heating, ventilation, and A/C reps plays guitar and sometimes all of us jam at our buddy’s flat or on the beach. I play drums and sing and I love it so much. My other acquaintance is a local dealer and he gets us gigs sometimes at pubs or bars.


Programmable thermostat