I’m a city girl born and bred.
I am accustomed to the hustle and bustle of it all since our home building was on a absolutely stressed road.
My parents worked in the area, and I also went to college not too far from our home. I never once thought I’d love to live anywhere else. However, when I was in college, a friend invited me for a trip. She wanted us to go to a cottage anywhere in the woods for the weekend. Both of us were 5 women, and I was the only one not sure about this trip. But, it turned out to be the best thing ever. I fell in care about with the area, and 10 years later, I was back to buy a lake house. This condo was in the perfect spot and not too isolated. It took some time to do a renovation and fit the condo with a cooling and furnace. My sisters were there to help since they came to live with me in this current house. Both of us all worked remotely and knew we had need the best cooling system to keep the lake condo comfortable. I went to a town near the lake condo to ask around about a heating and cooling installation company. There was one that was run by a father and son, which all the locals gave top reviews. It took about a month for the father and kid Heating and Air Conditioning professional duo to install and test the heating and cooling system at the cottage. After that, my sisters and I spent the first summer time there and found out both of us had to do something about the air quality at the lake house.