I want to replace my central air conditioner, but I don’t think that I am going to. I know that I probably shouldn’t replace my central air conditioner, because if I replace my central air conditioner, then I am going to have financial issues. I can afford to replace my central air conditioner, but replacing my central air conditioner would drastically drain my savings. If I wait a few more years before I replace my central air conditioner, then I can afford to replace my central air conditioner without having to mess with my finances too badly. However, waiting to replace the central air conditioner might prove to be a more difficult task than you might realize. First of all, my central air conditioner is terrible. Sure, the central air conditioner works, but the central air conditioner is too small for my house. Normally, if the central air conditioner is too small for your house, the central air conditioner just runs more often than usual, causing the central air conditioner to not last as long. However, the HVAC technician that installed the HVAC technician was smart. He put the thermostat in one of the smaller rooms in the house where the central air conditioner worked well. Now, the central air conditioner turns off on a schedule, but the house never gets cooled entirely. Most of the house gets cooled by the central air conditioner, but not my bedroom. Honestly, that is the most important job of the central air conditioner, and it frustrated me. What am I supposed to do? Never be comfortable?