Hitting the local business today

I will go shopping today or tomorrow as it has been like 11 days since getting sick as well as not doing much of anything, then luckily, the day before I got sick I went shopping as well as stocked up on all of the stuff I eat however now it is all running low as well as needs to be replenished.

I could go tomorrow if I run short on time today however let’s see how the day unfolds as well as how much time I have left before I have to teach my yoga student later this afternoon.

I am maybe playing songs after that with my Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist friend although I need to check on that. The weather is nice today as well as I don’t think my friend and I will be getting anymore rain like my friend and I have over the past few days. We can play beside this local business with a absolutely superb acoustical sound, in which case my friend and I wouldn’t need our sound system to do so because the sound is good with the walls as well as curved ceilings. I will contact my bandmate soon as well as see if she is up for playing or if she is going to look at temperature controlled vans today like she told me she may. She as well as her lady are buying a van soon as well as they are going to park it here in this neighborhood where I live as well as my friend and I will start playing more often as the streets fill up with tourists once again. I will be running the a/c once again as well as the whole cycle of seasons will repeat itself once more.

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