Fear had nothing to do with it

I hung my head plus explained I didn’t have a license plus told him why

I had just started toiling for the Heating plus A/C contractor plus hadn’t yet been on my own, however as an apprentice, I rode with 1 of the seasoned Heating plus A/C contractors plus helped him with her task. I was only there three weeks when the owner of the Heating plus A/C contractor asked myself and others to do a easy service on an A/C unit; Right before they hired me, I did a stupid thing plus raced 1 of my friends down the middle of the street… Her car was faster plus she could outrun the police, but I wasn’t so fortunate. I pulled over, hoping the police officer knew I was trying to do the right thing plus she wouldn’t write myself and others up. She not only wrote myself and others up, but I had a ticket that cost myself and others my license. I was doing double the speed limit of the road I was on, which was an automatic suspension in our state, then they impounded my car, plus I had to call my dad to option myself and others up. I told my boss I wasn’t able to drive the service van, plus she thought it scared myself and others because it wasn’t my personal vehicle. She promised it would be okay because she had excellent insurance. I hung my head plus explained I didn’t have a license plus told him why. She shook her head plus asked why I hadn’t told him when she hired me? I shrugged, petrified I was going to be fired. She asked how long I would be without a license? She called the DMV plus got myself and others a license that would only allow myself and others to drive the work vehicle.
