I know that one day I will look back at these summer days when we played volleyball till 10pm and partied and laughed on the beach in what seemed like a summer that would never end.
I’ve fallen in love, fallen out of love, played a ton of volleyball games, and partied on the beach with my volleyball buddies.
I will be old one day and looking back at these days at some of the sweetest times in my life. I’m trying to appreciate it now while it is happening but I know that it will be sweeter in time. HVAC equipment repair is what occupies my days and I like working with the HVAC reps, but the evenings in this town are just priceless to me. I’ve been playing ball for 30 years next month and I hope my body can last another 10 years or more. Yoga helps a lot with keeping my body fit to play. Working at the HVAC company also keeps me strong with all of the lifting I have to do each day. I also use those TRX straps a few times a week to keep my muscles strong and I do sandbag jumps on the beach for my legs. I workout with this local contractor a few times a week with the TRX straps and it really helps having a training buddy like that to keep me going. Beach volleyball requires a lot of cardio and speed, and at my age it is a real challenge to keep up with it all but I am trying.