Romantic candlelight almost does in the HVAC

What I didn’t realize at the time was just how bad that was for my HVAC equipment

The fact that my wife ever fell for me is still a bit of a stunning upset in my mind. I mean she’s just so awesome in so many ways. That’s not how I would describe myself. However, it works and we are really happy 15 years in to our marriage and I guess that says everything. However, in that effort to win my wife over all those years ago, I almost killed my heating and cooling equipment. It’s a weird story for sure. We met at work when we were pretty much straight out of college. And being without a bunch of money and having zero romance skills, I just did the best I could do. And for me, that was going with some old school perceptions. So, I leaned into the idea of romancing my wife with home cooked meals in the candlelight. The first time I cooked for her, I made it sort of casual but I lit candles on the dinner table for while we ate. For some reason, she really dug that action. Now, I understand that she really liked how authentic and relaxed I was with her. I thought it was the candlelight so I poured it on from there. What I didn’t realize at the time was just how bad that was for my HVAC equipment. You see, all that burnt wax in a small apartment builds up on an HVAC air filter in a hurry. After a few dinners, I had practically covered the air filter with a solid sheen of candle wax.


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Any sort of HVAC repair is the domain of the HVAC professional

I really had to do some creative financial stuff last year.

It was the year of shrinking our expenses and spending much more frugally.

However, we were able to do this all while working and schooling from the safety of our air conditioning at home. The pandemic was of course the reason for our financial straits. Well, straits isn’t exactly an accurate description given that we still had jobs. Had we not been able to work from home in our air conditioning, we would have definitely been in financial straits. Still, our spending had to shrink significantly. We were able to save a lot on entertainment since there wasn’t any. There wasn’t any leaving the HVAC security of home for a meal, a movie, a trip or anything of that variety. Saving that money certainly helped. We also simply tightened the belt in other ways as well. But mid summer, we had a bit of a problem that caused us to consider a dumb idea. We noticed that the HVAC cooling just wasn’t keeping up. The heat pump was running all of the time and just couldn’t catch up. I thought I could fix it myself with some help from online videos. Actually, I had myself pretty convinced that I could recharge the refrigerant. Now how I got so confident in my skills or HVAC diagnosis ability, that’s another question. Thankfully for me, my wife shut that down pretty quickly and effectively. She knew better than to trust our expensive HVAC equipment to a guy who watched an online video about HVAC. She called the HVAC company and we spent the money on a proper HVAC repair.


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HVAC chores at home getting done more consistently

`I’m doing my best in order to get a bit better when it comes to getting stuff done around the house.

This is something that doesn’t exactly come naturally to me.

And it’s a shame because I sure had the environment from which to learn about being handy when I was a kid. My dad could fix just about anything around the house. Well, he never fooled with the HVAC equipment as he left that stuff to the HVAC professionals. However, he was always on top of the HVAC chores around the house. It was like second nature to him. My dad really didn’t have to even think about stuff like is HVAC responsibilities. He just sort of worked them in as he was doing all the other projects he had going at his house. That’s just not the way that my monthly HVAC chores go around my house. I actually have to set a reminder on my phone in order to remember to change the dang air filter. And even then, it’s not as though I’ve been particularly consistent with any of it. This, is what I’m trying to change. I took a good step in that direction when I called the HVAC company. Signing us up for the HVAC service plan takes that off of me. Now, I don’t have to remember to schedule the HVAC maintenance in the fall and the spring. And, I have remembered to change the air filter for six months in a row. That could be a new record. All I know is that I’m doing my best to do my best when it comes to taking care of my HVAC equipment.
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Good to be warm without paying too much for HVAC

I really had no idea what a real winter was all about.

I mean, I wasn’t even close.

Having grown up in the south where the heat pump was all we needed for heating, I had a very idealized version of winter. To me, it was like those Christmas cartoons of my youth. It was all fluffy snow and sledding and stuff. The realities of the temperatures had no bearing on how I perceived a serious, northern winter. Well, that all changed and it was quite a wake up call for me. My wife’s mom lives up here and is getting to the point in her life where she needs more care. The idea of moving south to us was just not up for discussion. So when my wife had the opportunity to take a promotion that would put her less than an hour from her mom, it seemed like a no brainer. As far as I’m concerned, I’m here to support my wife on that. I work from home so I can work anywhere. And living up here is temporary and I’ll get back to my heat pump and all that air conditioning in the summer. Until then, I had to figure out just how to heat the house without spending a wad of money doing it. With the help of some great neighbors, I learned the combination to that lock. It’s all about making sure the house is tight and insulated. With no drafts, one can be quite disciplined with the thermostat setting. This is our third winter coming up and I’ve already scheduled the heating maintenance with the HVAC company.


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Air filtration absolutely changes everything

I don’t like to make big sweeping statements because they usually come back to haunt me.

Sometimes, I can certainly overstate something for being just miraculous when in fact, it wasn’t.

That’s why I hesitate a bit when describing how much better our indoor air is thanks to air purification. But, I’ll definitely say this. I love the air inside my house now. And that sure hasn’t been the case for a very long time. What I didn’t realize was that the HVAC company had the answers to my problem all along. For me, the problem starts with the fact that our house smelled bad. I mean it’s just a question of airborne odors. They happen when you have a house full of boys, dogs, a cat and a myriad of other sources. Then throw in the fact that the HVAC equipment simply recycled those odors and you get where I’m coming from. And this doesn’t even begin to get to the health angle of good indoor air quality. That’s a whole other situation that finally convinced my husband on the cost of the whole home air purification system. For me, the pressing problem was the odors. There was nothing I could do to cover them up or get anywhere close to eliminating them. But that’s where the HVAC company and air purification changed my reality. Again, at the risk of carrying on about all of this, air purification just changed my life a bit. I like where I live again and that’s a big deal. I’m very grateful to have a whole home air purification system in my house.


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