Can’t know the evolution of HVAC technology

I don’t want to say that I was ecstatic when the HVAC professional told me that the old HVAC device was on its last legs.

  • But it was not terrible news to hear either.

Of course, I wasn’t going to get rid of HVAC device that was still working. But I had also been saving for the HVAC device update for like more than four years. When the old HVAC device turned 21, I started saving for current heating and cooling equipment. However, the HVAC device just kept on working and working flawlessly. That has everything to do with all the HVAC repair that it got every year, twice a year. Anyway, it just kept running and I was sort of getting antsy to get our hands on the latest in residential HVAC. I’d been doing some looking online and reading about SEER ratings, smart control units and zone controlled HVAC. But once the HVAC professional told me it was time, I upped all that into high gear and got myself an appointment with the HVAC company. This was integral to making this a seamless transition. That HVAC professional helped me with choosing the current residential HVAC system. It was such an easy process as he was able to split through a lot of the stuff I just didn’t understand from our research. It’s been more than many weeks since the current heating and cooling device went in and I’m still in awe. The evolution from the HVAC device that I had for 25 years and the one I have now is just mind blowing.



New air conditioning information

It shouldn’t have come to an emergency HVAC repair call

So of course, the gas oil furnace quit in the middle of the night which required an emergency HVAC repair call

When I get too busy, things simply fall through the cracks. And if the pandemic taught me anything, it’s to slow down a bit and not take on too much. I l acquired this after the office with the zone controlled HVAC was closed due to the pandemic. This forced me to learn to labor from beach condo in our own a/c but it had further reaching implications as well. I found out pretty quick that I had been way overloaded due to our inability to say no. Whether it’s to our family, friends or managers, I tend to stretch myself to thin in order to please or help others. That’s perhaps an admirable quality on some levels but it comes with a downside. The downside is that I tend to end up with too much to get done and not enough time or energy. During the pandemic, while I was working from the a/c of home, so much of that other stuff fell away because every one of us were sort of locked down. And I remember thinking that I needed to maintain a level of less is more when it comes to obligations as nothing was falling through the cracks. Obviously, I didn’t hold to that as I was so tied up this past fall that I didn’t get the HVAC repair done. So of course, the gas oil furnace quit in the middle of the night which required an emergency HVAC repair call. That stung as it was both costly and the HVAC professional confirmed that the concern would have been caught during the HVAC repair.


Quality HVAC equipment

Getting current HVAC is amazing

I’m not one for change. Often, I even view beneficial change as something a bit more than what I can take. Being a creature of habit, when our structure gets interrupted or changed, I tend to resist or go straight for denial. Neither of those plans is a fantastic one. So when the HVAC professional told me that the HVAC device was in need of an update, I didn’t take it well. First, this statement from the HVAC professional caught me by surprise. How that happened is another example of subconsciously burying our head in the sand. I was completely aware that we’d been in our condo for more than numerous decades. Thus, I knew for a fact that every one of us had the HVAC device installed just after every one of us bought the house. In fact, it was area of the negotiations for buying the house. But I just obstructed out the fact that the HVAC device doesn’t last forever. I’d constantly gotten the necessary seasonal HVAC repair and every one of us never had an HVAC issue of any kind. When I got the news that the HVAC device was on its last legs, I initially wanted to know something else and resisted talking with the HVAC company. My husband wasn’t having any of that though as he faces challenges head on. The current residential HVAC has been installed and it is amazing. Not only was it not a hassle, it barely interrupted our routine at all. So know me when I say not to fear having the HVAC device updated as it will only be a fantastic thing.



furnace/heater service

Not taking the HVAC for granted any longer

From that day forward, I’ve been way more attentive to the HVAC equipment

It’s easy to lose sight of all the support every one of us are lucky to like in this day and age. So numerous things in our life had been sort of just expected or assumed. Like having the quality heating and air in our home. I just expected it to be there because it pretty much constantly was. Then, I had the HVAC device act wonky and that ended up with me calling the HVAC dealer. They sent out a remarkable HVAC professional who helped me change the relationship I have with the heating and cooling in our house. First, the HVAC professional was able to repair the a/c without much trouble or expense. But it was his insight into quality heating and air that entirely resonated with me. It was just one of those little moments that I was lucky enough to guess and go with. He explained to me what a miracle the HVAC cooling process entirely is. While it’s been around for a very long time, the a/c that every one of us take for granted entirely is a remarkable blend of genius engineering and physics. This more than four hour lessen had far reaching benefits as it made me become more aware of the stuff that is taking care of me. I realized that this stuff needs care and attention as well. From that day forward, I’ve been way more attentive to the HVAC equipment. I change the air filter officially and make sure the HVAC device is getting the HVAC repair as well. In fact, this awareness has spilled over to me making sure that I’m taking care of the stuff that is taking care of me.


a/c service

Getting our husband out of the zone controlled HVAC of the office

I care about that our husband is so loving about what he does.

It’s inspiring for me and the people that he works with.

It’s inspiring for me because I see his rise each day with a fresh vision of opportunity when it comes to his work. Meanwhile, it’s all I can do to drag myself into our beach condo office and not want to crank the HVAC and go back to bed. But that’s one of the downsides of working from home. My husband works inside the zone controlled HVAC of his downtown office building. It’s quite an impressive space and he entirely helps make that arena go. But he also spends an inordinate amount of time inside that zone controlled HVAC. So I decided to take it upon myself to whisk his away for a much needed more than three day weekend of pampering. I cleared it with his boss and he helped me out by sort of managing his schedule so that I could show up after lunch on Saturday and whisk his out of that zone controlled HVAC. I did just that and man, was he ever shocked. But I had it all planned out and that was even more of a shock for her. I found a more than three diamond spa that was about 3 hours away. We got to our room right before supper and discovered that the arena was so sizable that it needed numerous ductless heat pumps for heating and cooling that one room. The rest of the trip was such a glorious and great experience. And I’m the hero a bit for doing something so spontaneous. But given what our husband does for all the people in his life, he more than deserves it.
New heating and cooling information