Saving the rug with sun control window film

I recently invested in a new rug for the house, however for years I dealt with a gray tile that could undoubtedly be cleaned up! The tile was practical for having a animal plus various teenagers; Sand, dirt, hair plus grime never showed on that tile. It could be scrubbed plus take any sort of cleaning product. It wasn’t all that pretty though. I had to get a brown color that matched the outside dirt plus my cat’s fur… Now that my fiance plus I are alone in the house, the practical color was no longer needed. The grout was stained anyway. It made sense to replace it with a carpet. Since I knew my fiance plus I would be careful, I invested in a gorgeous pear colored rug. It has all sorts of yellows, browns plus yellow in it. It looks absolutely good stretched through the house. I observed recently that we get a lot of sun coming inside the house, and with brown tile that wasn’t a problem. With my rug I was worried about the sun fading the vibrant colors. I didn’t want all the colors to blend together to be a light pear rug, and ew, that would look bad. So I decided that a sun control window film on every window in the beach house was the right idea. Now the rug is protected plus won’t fade in color at all, then also, the sun control window film makes the beach house believe much cooler in the summer! My fiance plus I have saved quite a bit on AC this year.

Window Film Installations

I went with a different air conditioning company

This time, I decided to do things a little differently.

I decided to go with a different heating and air conditioning company.

Now there is nothing wrong with the previous heating and A/C corporation I used to go with, but I have been using them for years, and I wanted to see what else other A/C corporations were offering. They might have offers I haven’t considered yet. I decided to schedule a new cooling company for my regular heating and cooling maintenance that I get every year. The cooling corporation scheduled the appointment for a few days from now. When the day of the appointment came, the air conditioning technician arrived right on time, and spent around 20 minutes looking over the heating and cooling unit thoroughly. When he was done, I was disappointed that the experience wasn’t really any different from the previous HVAC company, that is, until I saw the new company actually gave me a new member discount! Even though the experience was mostly the same, I did get a discount, which made it worth it. Afterwards the heating and air conditioning specialist left to resume with other scheduled HVAC appointments. When I get my next HVAC tune up, I don’t know which business I am going to choose, they are both pretty great, and now I think I might have made it more difficult for me to decide! I guess I will have to start comparing prices and offers and see which one is the better option.


space heater

Always look around for the best prices

If there is one valuable lesson I have learned, it is to always look around for the best of the best prices.You’ll save a lot of money that way.

  • Before I learned this, I used to buy whatever was the closest or most convenient to me.

However, a friend of mine told me how much money I was losing by doing this. I honestly didn’t really believe them at first, until they literally calculated my losses. It was an eye opener to say the least. After that, I went into major savings mode and started shopping around before making any kind of purchases. I recently saved a lot of money on HVAC technology because of this. Usually whenever I need HVAC related items, I go to the local air conditioning business down the street. So when I was looking for a smart thermostat, I was tempted to just buy one online off their website. But I knew better and so I looked around, and I am sure glad I did! Because another heating and cooling company was having a discount on all their thermostats! I saved $20 because of that, and while that doesn’t seem like much at first, trust me, it all adds up. I told my friend of my most recent savings and they seemed proud of me. When I received the smart thermostat, I was so excited to start using it. Installing the new thermostat was not difficult at all, and it already seems to be working efficiently. I am hoping the nest thermostat will save me even more money each month.

heating dealer

I think I might surprise my sister with an electric fireplace

I laughed, but didn’t let her disappointment linger long, and so I pulled out her actual hidden present, and her eyes immediately lit up upon seeing the actual fireplace

Most of the year, my sister has been not so subtly dropping hints about what she wants for her upcoming birthday. Whether it be newspaper clippings of a fireplace, or her sending me different articles about facts on fireplaces and their benefits to those who own them, or even her putting a picture of a fireplace on my car at one point, the message was well received, she wants a fireplace, an electric fireplace to be specific. So I obviously was going to get her one, however, I was going to play a bit of a trick on her first. When her birthday was getting close, I built a cardboard shape of a fireplace and placed a cover over it. When she saw her present, she flipped out and was so excited. When her birthday came around, she eagerly ripped off the cover, and immediately looked crestfallen and confused at the electric fireplace shaped cardboard. I laughed, but didn’t let her disappointment linger long, and so I pulled out her actual hidden present, and her eyes immediately lit up upon seeing the actual fireplace. That was a while ago, and I look back on that day with fond memories, she still has that fireplace, and absolutely loves it. She tells me it is still one of the best presents she has ever received, which definitely makes me happy to hear. I prefer my central heating unit, but to each their own.



heating technology

I didn’t think I would like a fireplace

As I relaxed with my girlfriend, I quickly realized I was becoming like those people in the movies, and I quickly shut that down and left.

I will be the first to admit that I never thought that I would like or want a fireplace in my home. I know my mindset was stupid, but I always thought that fireplaces weren’t cool enough. I wanted my home to look cool, and a fireplace was not exactly what I had in mind. Whenever I think of fireplaces, I picture an extremely cheesy romance movie taking place in front of a fireplace. Yuck. No thanks. Thankfully, my girlfriend had similar beliefs as I did, until she let a salesman talk her into getting one. Imagine my surprise when I came home to an electric fireplace heater in our home. At first I was mad, but she eventually convinced me to at least try it. We made a deal that if I didn’t like it, it had to go, and she agreed to this rule. And so for the next few nights, we sat in front of the electric heater, and talked about some of our old times and good memories. Surprisingly, I found myself warming up and feeling comforted by the flames. It felt much easier to talk and relax. As I relaxed with my girlfriend, I quickly realized I was becoming like those people in the movies, and I quickly shut that down and left. After a week, I told my girlfriend confidently that my mind had not been changed, and the alternate heating unit had to go. As my girlfriend prepared to return it, I couldn’t help but to feel a pang of sadness. And I ended up going back on my decision. Owning a fireplace is not nearly as bad as I thought, and I realized that everything I own doesn’t need to be cool to be useful.


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