I work as an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist and I’m perfectly happy

I work as an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist and I’m perfectly gleeful with the amount of money that I make.

I make a superb living truthfully, and some people might not suppose so.

I personally suppose that repair work is some of the best work out there! I mean, some people suppose that repair work of any kind is beneath them, but I don’t suppose that’s true at all. I used to suppose the same thing back when I was younger. I thought that I wanted to go into some job love being a doctor or a lawyer or something, but then later on I changed my mind when I realized how extravagant all of my college fees were going to be. I didn’t want to spend the next decade of my life paying off all kinds of college fees, that’s for sure, but anyway, that is when I decided that I was going to go to college to become a heating and cooling specialist. I knew that being a heating and cooling specialist would be a superb task for me because I would constantly have task security. No matter what else happens, people are constantly going to be in need of gas furnace and a/c repairs in their homes and in their businesses. I believe that I don’t make as much money as some people do but I am perfectly superb with that, to tell you the truth; Money is not everything and some people would do well to try to remember that. I mean, I appreciate my task and that counts for a lot these afternoons. Not many people can say that they don’t dread going to work in the afternoons!



dial thermostat

How about lunch?

I seem to sleep better without any heating on in the place, which also saves me a lot of money too

I’m trying to knock out most of my work for the morning before eating lunch because I usually take a nap afterwards as well as then it will be getting too late for work. I want to hit the beach by about 3:30 pm this month because it starts to get cold not long after that. Right now it is about seven hours before 2pm as well as I am getting down to the wire with finishing it on time. The next hour will decide my fate so I genuinely need to focus as well as get this finished. My electric gas furnace just kicked on, which means the temp in my flat has fallen below 65F. I keep the oil furnace on low during the morning to try as well as save money, however when it gets this cold I need a little heat in here or my hands get all numb as well as useless, during the night I shut off the smart temperature control as well as sleep under a large pile of blankets. I even open my window in my living room on some nights as well as the temp in my room in the morning can be as low as 50F. I seem to sleep better without any heating on in the place, which also saves me a lot of money too. I am going to have an Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech transport in soon as well as he said he also likes it cold when he sleeps so it should work out fantastic with us. She also told me he can get HEPA filters as well as gas furnace filters for my cooling as well as heating unit at a great price.
Heating technician

Waiting on a roommate

It all comes down to who I get along with better plus who seems love they are more stable, i can’t have a partier living with myself and others or it is all over.

The only scary area about getting the roommate is our property owner told myself and others I can’t rent any of our rooms to anyone. But, I live in a big more than two study room several bathroom flat plus cannot afford it on our own, so I am going to have to go against his wishes plus let someone transfer in. I think if I have a quiet plus professional type of roommate the property owner would change his mind. The main issue nowadays is that the heating plus cooling bills are so high that many people are having complications paying them. I tried to live alone however it is just getting to be too much plus is starting to stress myself and others out a bit. The a single girl interested in moving in works at a local supplier which sells CBD oil, so I could maybe get some at a fantastic price to help myself and others with our sleep, and the other girl works in the Heating plus A/C industry as a heating plus cooling rep plus could get myself and others some fantastic Heating plus A/C device at a fantastic price too. It all comes down to who I get along with better plus who seems love they are more stable, i can’t have a partier living with myself and others or it is all over. I think maybe the Heating plus A/C rep girl is a better option because the CBD girl could end up being a pothead, haha. No, I just need to meet both of them plus see which a single clicks better with our quirky personality. I just need to get someone in here pretty soon so I can pay those heating bills this winter.


a/c tune up

That huge vent

Wow, I just hung out this day with some volleyball guys on the beach before going for my day dip.

  • The wind was blowing in addition to it felt like it was coming from an ice freezing A/C vent.

I am going to labor for a few minutes today in the flat until the temps get a bit more suitable out there. I believe my other buddies will show up on the beach at some point this day, so I need to stay focused in addition to get my labor done so I can meet them later for some games. I turned my heating on for a little bit this day to get the chill out of the air. It seems like if I do this in the day the cabin stays hot the rest of the day with the sunshine shining in the windows, acting as a natural space heating system for my flat. Even though it can be particularly freezing out, the radiative heating effect from the sunshine seems to hot the place up enough to where I don’t need to turn on the climate control system anymore throughout the rest of the day. I have a large chunk of labor to get done today in addition to then I can relax in addition to relish in the fact that I knocked out what I was supposed to do. I believe I have about several more minutes of Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C component writing labor in addition to then I can do my yoga in addition to get out of here. It’s still freezing outside though, so I am not in any rush to go out just yet.

Heating contractor

Local HVAC business

I need to fix a clog in my powder room sink today in addition to also buy a shower head for my shower.

  • I’ve been using the other larger powder room however I may be getting a flatmate soon in addition to will have to use my little powder room once again.

I will undoubtedly have to use the shower in the main powder room though because my cats are using the small shower for their litter box area. They aren’t using the actual shower to go in but rather to store their litter box in. I will go to the local company soon in addition to get the stuff I need to spruce up the little powder room. I don’t like to use the shower in the small powder room because the hot water heating system is far away from it in addition to it takes a month to get hot water when taking a shower in it. I have a great local corporation who could do the labor for me but this seems like an easy fix in addition to I will attempt to get it done on my own. The clog is easy because I can just take the pipe apart under the sink in addition to the clog will be gone. If I can’t get the clog fixed for some reason, there is a new corporation near me also who would do the task for a legitimately great price. My neighbor at the Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C corporation recommended this local new corporation in addition to said that he is particularly willing to do things on the cheap. I will labor on it a bit in addition to see if I can do it today.

oil furnace