Clean those air ducts!

When was the last time that you had your air ducts cleaned? If you would sheepishly reply that you have never ever had your air ducts cleaned, you are not alone.

There are many families who have never considered the importance of cleaning out their air ducts.

The problem with that is many problems can arise from dirty air ducts. For one thing, air quality will definitely decrease. Also, your heating and air conditioning systems energy efficiency will also start to flag pretty badly when your air ducts are super dirty. However, should you decide to clean out your air ducts thoroughly you will be removing all sorts of allergens, including pollen, dust mites, and pet dander that can clog up your air ducts over time, leading to allergic reactions and all sorts of respiratory problems for the people who live in the house. Cleaning out your air ducts will go a long way to making sure that your air quality is as good as it can be. Clean air ducts will help you be healthy, but it will also help your HVAC system be healthy as well. Clogged air ducts restrict airflow thus causing your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to and really putting a damper on energy efficiency. This can definitely tax your system and make you pay more in energy bills! So get your air ducts cleaned by a professional heating and air conditioning specialist as soon as possible! For all these reasons and more, you’ll be very glad that you did.



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My son’s kindergarten graduation and the broken A/C in the meeting hall

I couldn’t wait for my son’s kindergarten graduation! I was so proud of how hard he worked all year! My wife and I made sure to take an active role in trying to help him through his studies.

He also had made a couple friends along the way.

We were proud of all these things, because it was such an initial struggle to get him used to going to school and being without us for so long. We were the ones that homeschooled him in the Pre-K curriculum. What nobody was expecting is the conditions in the auditorium of the school that night. To be fair, the school faculty could not have seen it coming either. The air conditioning system came out right in the middle of kindergarten graduation practice! At least that gave a good seven hours or so for the word to get out to parents and family members to dress light and maybe bring something to fan yourself with. I was still excited to see my boy walk across the stage and receive his diploma, but boy was it steamy in there! This was not a small school, and there were just over one hundred kindergarten graduates this year. The press of bodies made things hotter for sure. The main speaker was sopping sweat off her brow as she did her best to inspire and congratulate both the kindergartners and their family and friends. At least there was water and light refreshments afterwards. I got my son some water and cookies and smiled with pride. Time to start saving for college!



Geo heat pump

Compromising on A/C comfort

I can’t get over how hot my girlfriend likes to keep her apartment.

I’m beginning to think that if she didn’t have any air conditioning installed anywhere in the apartment, she would not actually mind at all.

Maybe she would simply open the windows like she does sometimes anyway when it’s breezy outside. I’ve seen her thermostat settings before,and it said 80 degrees! What in the world?! I’m actually seriously concerned about this because I really love my air conditioning! However, I love her, and I’m starting to think that I want to spend the rest of my life with her! The thing is, we live in a hot and humid climate. Even when it’s in the 80s or higher outside, she will ask me to turn down my car’s A/C when we’re riding around town. That was before I thankfully got a car with dual hvac in the front seat. I understand that a relationship is about compromise, but being cool and comfortable in my own home is super important to me. However, if she were to live with me with the thermostat where I like it: Around 70 degrees, she would be shivering all the time without wearing several layers. I suppose I’d be willing to compromise somewhere between 70 and 80 degrees, but there’s no way I’ll settle for living in a perpetual hot box! It’s surprising we haven’t had this discussion yet, but I have been dreading it. Nonetheless, we need to talk about it, because I want to get an idea of just how much of a problem it will be and just how much compromise my girlfriend will be expecting of me.

a/c installation

Trust the expert HVAC technician

When it comes to the complex machinery involved with your heating ventilation and air conditioning system, or HVAC system for short, it really is best to trust the expertise of a certified HVAC technician.

Keeping your HVAC system running at optimal performance and maintaining peak energy efficiency and making sure the HVAC system lasts for a very long time is precisely what HVAC technicians are paid for! You can trust that your local HVAC servicemen has gone through rigorous training if he is indeed certified.

There is an education program that certified HVAC tech must go through to teach him all about installation, maintenance, repair, and figuring out various HVAC problems. You’re better off calling out an HVAC technician for just about any HVAC problem. Safety is one of the reasons. HVAC technicians are trained to take the proper safety measures as opposed to an amateur homeowner who may not know what they’re doing in the first place, much less understand how to avoid dangerous situations. Especially when it comes to electronic components, it really is best to leave it up to an HVAC technician to avoid fire hazards or getting shocked. Furthermore, if you decide to tamper with your HVAC system without the help of a professional, it may very well void The warranty of the HVAC unit. HVAC problems can be complex and multifaceted. It’s best not to arrogantly assume that you can tackle any HVAC related task. You should call out for help from a certified professional!



AC filter

HVAC control

I slept well last night, waking up several times in the night to eat some food, sleeping for a cumulative nine hours or so.

I’ve been sleeping a lot better recently because I am keeping my bedroom cooler than it used to be, which is good for an ice shark like me.

I’ve consistently liked sleeping in a chilly area and am still the same now as I was 40 years ago when I was a teenager. I can’t believe I was a teenager over 40 years ago, wow, as it just seemed like yesterday almost. My cooling rep dad was young and strong then and I thought he would live forever being as healthy as he was. But you can’t control fate and destiny and my dad left me years ago at the age of 62 when he got into a crazy spin while skydiving and couldn’t get out of it. He had a local dealer back then and was an avid skydiver, racking up over 3000 jumps in his 25 year job in the athletic hobby. I did it too but only had 171 jumps and quit when I too almost died in a side spin one day. The local dealer who was watching me fall said that he thought I was going to go down as his cooling tech friend died the same way. The athletic hobby is not an entirely safe one and I have had a few of my buddies die from accidents in the sky. Now I keep my feet on the ground and mostly stay in my temperature controlled flat with my feet on the ground.



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