Covid 19 affected a lot of people both indirectly & directly.
- I was indirectly affected when I lost my job because the Heating as well as Air Conditioning company I was working with closed down.
I have saved enough cash to continue living without struggling, so with all the rules around the pandemic, I went to granny’s for a few weeks. I helped granny with Spring cleaning & clearing the farm. I got numerous souvenirs from my cleaning project. Wintertide was around the corner, & both of us needed to prepare for it. I decided to run a comprehensive oil furnace/heater tune-up on granny’s hydronic gas furnace. Working as an Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech for almost many years has taught me some tips for maintaining quality Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment, granny was regularly so proud of my profession, so she provided to go with me to the company center to book an appointment with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning repairman. Granny complained her number one corner of the dining room was colder, & she needed a smaller machine to keep her warm when she rested on her number one seat. I thought a portable space heating system would be ideal. These heating devices did not need oil furnace/heater upgrade hours & came with built-in temperature control. The Heating as well as Air Conditioning provider approved the delivery of the up-to-date quality heating device. The heating companys did not take long to finish the oil furnace/heater repairs. Granny had made them some hot chocolate, & they enjoyed it with hot barns when they were done. Granny was laying in her chair, satisfied with the whole home heating. I stayed with her for a couple of months until I got a job with another company. It was the best ‘forced’ holiday I ever had.