They didn’t answer any of the calls as well as let the iPhone go right to voicemail
When I got to the office the other day, there were several calls on the answering machine. A few of those calls were from my oldest and best Commercial Heating as well as AC service buyers. One customer was absolutely irate. He left a message letting myself and others assume that he called the emergency telephone number 3 different times as well as no one answered. Brad as well as Jason were on the emergency iPhone line the previous night. I called both of these guys to find out why the emergency iPhone was not answered. I also called the other multiple people back that left messages. One of our buyers was also aggravated because she called for emergency heating as well as AC services as well as got no answer. The woman has been our customer for a decade as she is thinking about calling someone else for heating as well as AC service help. I could not get Jason on the line, however when I got Brad I told him to come down to the office right away. When Brad arrived, I still had not reached the other service worker. I unquestionably didn’t need him to find out what happened. Brad told myself and others everything about the previous night… Both of the techs went to a bar as well as got drunk. They didn’t answer any of the calls as well as let the iPhone go right to voicemail. They were way too drunk as well as hung over to service any heating pumps, oil furnaces, or a/cs. Those multiple guys have turned out to be a rather big disappointment. I had High Hopes from them in the start although I don’t assume they want to task hard enough.