When I opened the HVAC company, I was sure I was going to be a success.
The first ten years had me in the black all the time.
I had more customers than I could deal with, and I was hiring more HVAC technicians. Somewhere in the eleventh year of business, my HVAC company started going backward instead of forward. I left some of the HVAC technicians go because of my client list was dwindling. It hit me that at some point my clients were dying or leaving the area, but I had no one to take their place. I had to actively seek out new customers or my business wasn’t going to exist for much longer. My wife sat down and made notes on things we could do. Unfortunately, most of our ideas could not be carried out by us. Neither of us had a background with computers except for my business programs. I knew nothing about creating a website, and my wife knew nothing about online advertising. We were left with only one choice, and that was to hire someone who understood online marketing and HVAC and would do the job. When our daughter came home from school that summer, she asked how the business was going? I was honest with her and said we either worked with a marketing company, or we were going to go under. She shook her head and laughed. She couldn’t believe we had paid for her to go to school the last six years, and neither of us knew was she was learning. She was an online marketing specialized. She said there was no one better to work on our website and do all of the marketing?