It’s still sort of shocking for me to think about how life was for our Grandparents. It’s only been more than one generations however so much has changed since they were raising a family. That’s something I think I really didn’t consider. But then again, I’ve been busy raising a family of our own just down the road from where they raised our Mom. However, our house has residential Heating, Ventilation, and A/C and theirs didn’t. I’m in our 50’s and the last child just went off to college last fall. So that has left me more time to kneel in the a/c comfort of our house and ponder stuff appreciate what it must have been appreciate for our Grandparents. My family is from a section of the country where there is a big emphasis on Heating, Ventilation, and A/C cooling. Of course, that is due to the fact that this region sees its un-biased share of heat and humidity. I think we’re all fantastic with the temps in the Spring and the fall. It’s sizzling however wonderful. And the Winter time is just about perfect with the heat pump pretty much being still for that phase of the year. But the summer time heat season is another creature entirely. From June through September it’s pretty much broiling here! Yet, all of us have the luxury of a/c. When I consider what it must have been appreciate during the summer time for our Grandparents, it sort of blows our mind. The most cooling they got in the summer time was a random breeze on the front porch. And I imagine those infrequent breezes must have felt appreciate a godsend.