Before she retired, my dad worked as a Foreman for a local construction company, but as a Foreman, she knew how to do a little bit of everything, i think being in construction and seeing the weird jobs being done around him, she picked up some of the tricks of the trade along the way! This came in handy especially in our home, and my dad didn’t need to call that multiple people to perform repair on our appliances because she could figure out how to repair them on her own, same thing for remodeling, but she once changed out our entire family room cabinets by himself, and she remodeled her master bathroom with truly little help.
- So knowing this about my dad, I was shocked when she told myself and others that she called a plumber to change the sink in her bathroom because it had a leak.
Apparently, she could not figure out how to detach the sink himself because of a section that she couldn’t detach. Therefore, she needed the help of a plumber… Good thing, she didn’t have to call a random plumbing service, the plumber that she called was her longtime friend that maintained one of her construction sites. They worked together and they were able to detach the bathroom sink, then being a Foreman for so multiple years absolutely has its advantages. If you own a home, you will need some kind of repair done. It’s good that my dad knew how to repair so multiple things, but it’s even better that she knew a plumber that she could call when she needed one.