Drake is self-employed.
He owns a small flooring company and only has enough jobs right now to stay afloat.
Things haven’t been easy since the coronavirus and Drake is doing his best just to get through things. He usually has 2 flooring jobs each week, but he has had plenty more ever since the stimulus checks were sent out. People have decided to make home upgrades with the cash. Drake had a flooring upgrade project last weekend and had to go to the labor pool to get someone to help. He was in luck, because a young lady at the labor pool had experience with tile and flooring. This young lady was awesome on that day. She knew a lot more than Drake anticipated and did a lot of direction. The lady proved herself to Drake and he provided her with a part-time position. She had informed Drake she was only looking for work a couple of days a week, so it worked out perfectly for him. Drake calls the young lady when he needs an extra hand and she lets him know if she needs to work a day or 2. The relationship is honestly symbiotic and has been great. If Drake ever has enough jobs for a full-time flooring upgrade serviceperson, he’ll convince the young lady to work more hours. Drake has never seen anyone manage to create a solid straight line without a ruler. This lady is good at measuring distance too. She is usually right on the cash by an inch or 2 even when the distance is 12 or 15 ft. Drake feels lucky he found her in the job pool.