I’ve been trying to teach our Grandmother a lot of things about technology.
Now, before anyone tries to vindicate our tech-frenzied generation, it was our Grandmother who wanted to learn.
She came to visit myself and others last summer time after I had our baby! Grandmother & I have always been close. In fact, our school years were spent in the country where I felt was the best place for me. It took time to settle down not being in a busy city. But, I was also suffering from depression & she felt the countryside was our healing pill. Grandmother was right & about a year after moving in with her & Grandpa I was feeling much better. I managed to go to a top school, got a great task & now I’m married. Grandmother has been there championing every step I have taken & I’m always super grateful for that prefer & affection. My partner also enjoys our Grandmother & is always giddy when she is coming because she comes with his number one tasty treats, but during the last visit, Grandmother noticed all of us had changed the dial control unit in our home. Before, all of us had this dial control unit that would drive all of us insane. The people I was with and I tried our best to set the temperature settings in the house, however it was never exactly what all of us wanted, then finally, last Springtime, all of us managed to purchase & install a smart control unit. This was after visiting the blog section of the HVAC supplier all of us hire for service & repair. They explained the pros of a smart control unit & all of us knew this was the best solution for our home. I did refer Grandmother to the blog section & she said she found it quite informative.