Summer is the best time of the year! I like hitting up the beach, natural springs, and even lakes.
Being in water is our number one pastime when the weather is so intense.
However, some days are so extremely hot in the warm climate that I live in, that staying inside is simply the safer way to go. At that point, air conditioning is our pure saving grace. My best friend’s air conditioner broke during the onset of a heat wave, and I certainly felt bad for her. I brought over a couple of portable air conditioning units to keep her cool until she would be able to get it fixed. Not only are HVAC dealerships tied up at this time of year, but the expense to replace parts during their peak season is absolutely ridiculous! A part, such as a condenser, can cost three times as much as it would cost in the winter, simply due to demand. It was then that I learned how overpriced summer air conditioning repairs are, so it is best to get all of it serviced before it gets too warm and your unit is working more than it does throughout the rest of the year. I sure wouldn’t want to spend more on a condenser than I have to! Nonetheless, her parents were able to help her out, so she was able to get everything fixed up within a short time. That was still a pretty long time for her, but I’m ecstatic she is feeling cool again. Back to the beach I go!