I have had a sweet tooth since I was young, plus I blame it on seeing my parents, however when I was a child, I used to watch all of the time as my parents obtained a variety of sweets. Of course, being the curious child that I was, I wanted to try some for myself, plus once I did, I was hooked, then after that, I was eating sweets almost every day, plus that has not changed even as an adult! There is a small desert store not too far from me, plus on one warm sunny day, I happened to be in the area. While I was there, I thought, why not get some ice cream since it was so warm outside! I drove to the store plus entered. As soon as I did, I was greeted with a cooling breeze. The store was quite chilly inside, however I wasn’t surprised. I went over to the frozen goods plus started looking at them. They had multiple of my most preferred flavors, plus I went back plus forth with myself trying to decide which one to buy. I could have stood there all day if it wasn’t for the fact that it was freezing in this identifiable section. I found myself shivering, however I was too stubborn to move. They must have had the Heating plus A/C at full blast, plus the smart temperature control must be at 65 degrees or something if it was freezing cold. I finally made up my mind, plus I was cheerful to leave that ice chilly store. As much as I love air conditioner as much as anyone else, I didn’t want to be frozen prefer the ice cream I was about to eat. I went apartment plus enjoyed my a/c system, which was set at a perfect 72 degrees.