I have a real issue with dust flying around in the air because of where I live.
No matter how much I deep scrub the house, you can actually see the dust floating and flying through the air if the daylight hits a certain way.
This of course means disappointing air quality and flu symptom time! The only solution I found to change this situation was to go out and buy a portable media air cleaner. With a portable air purification plan it was able to clear out all that flying dust in the air with no issues at all! It was really a mini miracle to tell you the fair to god truth of it all. Air purification systems of all kinds can cause these kind of miracles if you buy the right brand and the right type for your identifiable air quality situation. In the case of what I was dealing with, the professionals would tell you that a whole beach house air purification plan is the best plan of attack. But if you did not know, whole beach house media air cleaners cost a fortune. No 1 that is a laboring class man like myself would ever be able to afford it unless there was some kind of a payment plan by the week. And that is rare when it comes to whole beach house media air cleaners. But the portable air purification plan was the next best thing and it really did do the trick in every single room I would put it in. So if you have air quality issues consider getting a portable media air cleaner!