Yoga day

Normally, I do our yoga routine in our study room because it is warmer here in addition to I can relax more.

But this week, I am feeling love going out in the sand in addition to doing our routine near the Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C company where I buy our HEPA filters in addition to Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C equipment.

They are open this week in addition to have an espresso unit there which makes some honestly fantastic espresso. I don’t love to drink caffeine after about 3 pm though because it kind of messes up our sleep, so I am going to head down there soon in addition to grab a small cup before doing our yoga. The Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C reps working there are cool with myself and others grabbing a cup now in addition to then because I am there a lot buying stuff for our Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C system; Today is a bit cold so I need to do the routine before it gets too late as the sand can get honestly frigid when the sun gets low. The sun has a radiative heating effect on anything it hits in addition to it honestly can warm the sand up even on frigid Wintertide afternoons love this week, but i need to clean our gas furnace filter at some point because I have been running our heating a lot more in addition to don’t love it when the filter is full of dust in addition to stuff. I know I cleaned it not too long ago however I have been running it a lot in addition to it gets filled up pretty fast with dust as both of us have a lot of dust outside which comes into the flat. Lots to do, lots to do!
