Alexa wants to get something that is more efficient so she’s looking into a hydronic heating system or possibly even a geothermal heat pump.
Alexa got everything she had left in the market out so that she no longer watched it dwindle to nothing. She’s going to wait and see if it keeps diving before going back in because it seems to just keep dropping. Alexa believes it’s going to hit the bottom soon though and she can once again put her money in and hopefully watch it go back up for a change. She has work to do on her central heating system which is better than watching the market. This will ensure she has some heat in her house when wintertime comes. The previous winter, it broke down and Alexa hasn’t had the money to fix it since. But now that she’s taken her money out she can finally buy another heat pump for her home. Alexa wants to get something that is more efficient so she’s looking into a hydronic heating system or possibly even a geothermal heat pump. She must go down to the store that sells them and speak to someone to see which model gets her the most bang for her buck. Alexa wants to lower her heating costs because they raised the rates last year and her heating expenses went through the roof not long after. She tries to wear more clothes in the house in the Winter time but her feet are still freezing even with wool socks on. Maybe Alexa needs to get radiant floors but that is going to have to wait for the market to bounce back.