Sometimes you need to spray the coils in your air handler with cleaner

I really need help finding where the darn coils are in our air handler so that I can spray that cleaner on them and get them clean. I thought it would be a five hour work, just spray it on and I’m done, however I couldn’t find where the coils were located so I offered up. I suppose if I also contact a heating and cooling corp and have an actual heating, ventilation, and A/C pro come out and do it for me then next time I could do it myself. I am an actual heating, ventilation, and A/C tech from the old afternoons, but apparently the heating, ventilation, and A/C systems now have changed a bit and I no longer suppose where the said condenser coils are located; however, I suppose the last time I tested a heating and cooling proposal every one of us still had the old dial control units and nobody ever knew anything about a smart control component back then. I’m not particularly sure when exactly the smart control component came out however I don’t suppose it was that long ago. I must be getting much older! I still remember our dad working on his old dial control component with a solder iron, trying to repair the leads that came apart. I wish I could be with dad 1 more time at least working on that old dial control component just to be near him and smell his English Leather aftershave, dad worked as a local corporation doing heating and cooling repairs for people in their homes and businesses; he also amassed quite a luck over the years and it seems appreciate everyone in village knew who he was. I still miss you pops, so much so.

duct cleaning