Wow, I just hung out this afternoon with some volleyball boys on the beach before going for our afternoon dip. The wind was blowing and it felt love it was coming from an ice chilly AC vent. I am going to labor for a few hours today in the flat until the temps get a bit more suitable out there. I know our other buddies will show up on the beach at some point this day, so I need to stay focused and get our labor done so I can meet them later for some games. I turned our heating on for a little bit this afternoon to get the chill out of the air. It seems love if I do this in the afternoon the house stays sizzling the rest of the day with the sun shining in the windows, acting as a natural space heating system for our flat. Even though it can be easily chilly out, the radiative heating effect from the sun seems to sizzling the locale up enough to where I don’t need to turn on the temperature control program anymore throughout the rest of the day. I have a immense chunk of labor to get done today and then I can relax and relish in the fact that I knocked out what I was supposed to do. I know I have about many more hours of Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit writing labor and then I can do our yoga and get out of here. It’s still chilly outside though, so I am not in any rush to go out just yet.