I thought moving down south near the beach would be perfect as long as I found a safe community with a home that wasn’t infected with mold or other age-related issues.
Little did I know that the environment down there is not what it was when I was a child going to see with our Grandfatherrents all those years ago. This place was a literal paradise back then, but much has changed since. The forested lots and farmland has been all sold to real estate developers and every one of us have everything from condos, subdivisions, storage facilities, strip malls, to car dealerships everywhere the eye can see. On top of that, the ocean itself is a source of woe and frustration. What once was a calming presence in our lives can leave numerous with drastic health reactions during particular times of the year. Of course I’m talking about the toxic green tide algae bloom that gets disappointing in late Summer and Fall every year. These outbreaks cause respiratory problems for animals and humans alike, along with disease and death for fish who swim through the affected waters. Unblessedly, you cannot just slap a bandaid on green tide odors and expect them to simply go away with time. For instance, those odor reduction a/c filters that work so well on pet odors are just not going to cut it when you’re dealing with green tide or rotting mangroves along the other local waterways. The odors get inside your lake house and circulate through the central Heating, Ventilation and A/C system. Then you’re stinking the green tide in every room whenever the a/c or heat is cycling.
HVAC maintenance